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Pittsford, NY 14534
Phone: (503) 308-0500

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In response to popular demand we are excited to offer our newest resource - the Real Estate Agent Directory!  This directory works in tandem with our Historic Real Estate for Sale directory, and we are thrilled to be able to feature the wonderful agents who are committed to preservation issues and preserving historic homes.   

Each Listing Includes (see example below):

  • Contact Information (Name, Agency Name, Address, City, State, Phone, Fax, Email, Website)
  • Mission Statement - provide up to 1000 words that describes your background, professional goals, and committment to preservation. 
  • Profile of Your Current Listing(s) on PreservationDirectory.com - photo of property, location and price, with link to the full listing. 


Why List as a Real Estate Agent?

  • 20% Discount on All "Real Estate for Sale" Listings - while your agent listing is active, you will receive 20% off on all property listings.
  • More Exposure for Your Property Listings - each of your current property listings on HistoricForSale.com appear at the bottom of your Agent Listing (with links to each).
  • Ensure Maximum Exposure to the Preservation Community - we receive thousands of hits daily from your target audience. 

What is the Fee for an Agent Listing?

  • Listings cost $125 for a 12 month Agent Listing.   
  • Remember - while your Agent Listing is active, you receive 20% off all property listings.  The more you list, the more you save!

Additional Exposure Available on our Partner Preservation Website:

  • You will also have the option of an additional agent listing on our partner website, PreservationDirectory.com, for only $25 more per year.
  • PreservationDirectory.com is one of the most respected (and highly visited) historic preservation website on the internet (over 4,500 unique user hits/day from the preservation community). 
  • There is no pressure for the additional listing, and you will be prompted on the secure order form if you would like this additional listing.

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View more information about this historic property for sale in Raleigh, North Carolina

John B. and Nancy Strain House

Raleigh, NC

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